Peanut's Legacy Rescue
In addition to rearing A.K.C. Patch Hounds & Beagles for competitions & therapy dog status, we also function as a rescue for Beagles, Puggles, and Pugs because these rescues truly are few and far in-between. We have been accepting intakes for nearly 35 years now.
What started as the intake of a deeply loved, elderly Puggle, Peanut, became a full-blown rescue operation, even accepting out-of-state rescue transfers.
We do accept non-aggressive Pugs, Beagles, and Puggles of any age from 8 weeks upward to seniors and, if the dog is adoptable, we have some wonderful individuals who seek adoptable dogs. We do have a numbers limit though; if we have less than our limit, we will accept an intake. To be honest though, not all dogs are adoptable and these dogs stay on with us as beloved companions until the end. We love and nurture them as if they were ours all along. Additionally, if the intake chooses to bond with us during their stay, we do not adopt them out but keep them for the rest of their lives.
All intakes are examined by our veterinarian, dewormed, immunized, socialized, in the process of being taught to housebreak (if not already housebroken), lead broke, and introduced to a wide variety of household sounds.
If our services are needed, please give us a ring, text, or e-mail so that we can discuss the dog's needs. If we have openings, we can assist.
As we get to know the dogs and they have passed their medical exams, we make most of these dogs available for adoption.
What started as the intake of a deeply loved, elderly Puggle, Peanut, became a full-blown rescue operation, even accepting out-of-state rescue transfers.
We do accept non-aggressive Pugs, Beagles, and Puggles of any age from 8 weeks upward to seniors and, if the dog is adoptable, we have some wonderful individuals who seek adoptable dogs. We do have a numbers limit though; if we have less than our limit, we will accept an intake. To be honest though, not all dogs are adoptable and these dogs stay on with us as beloved companions until the end. We love and nurture them as if they were ours all along. Additionally, if the intake chooses to bond with us during their stay, we do not adopt them out but keep them for the rest of their lives.
All intakes are examined by our veterinarian, dewormed, immunized, socialized, in the process of being taught to housebreak (if not already housebroken), lead broke, and introduced to a wide variety of household sounds.
If our services are needed, please give us a ring, text, or e-mail so that we can discuss the dog's needs. If we have openings, we can assist.
As we get to know the dogs and they have passed their medical exams, we make most of these dogs available for adoption.
The following does not apply to Beagles, who adapt much more easily.
Concerning Puggles and Pugs: we need you to be aware of one very important fact:
Your surrendered Pug or Puggle will likely be dead shortly after they are accepted.
We give them the best food, care, medicine, & attention, but we have seen this often preventable tragedy time & again. It truly breaks our hearts to see one shut down. And most do.
The reason we ask you to reconsider this is because most Pugs & Puggles will form an unbreakable bond w/ their person or family. Their family is their world. They slowly realize that their people walked away & are never coming back. The dog will become so deeply depressed that they choose not to eat, regardless of what we feed them, & will die shortly thereafter, in spite of our veterinarian's valiant attempt to save them intravenously. It does not matter if they are young or old, healthy or ill. The older the dog, the greater chance of a negative outcome.
Please do your absolute best to find a family member or friend who knows the Pug or Puggle to take him or her in. It could make all the difference between life & death.
If there truly is no other option, we will take them in and love them, whether it be for years, or weeks.
Your surrendered Pug or Puggle will likely be dead shortly after they are accepted.
We give them the best food, care, medicine, & attention, but we have seen this often preventable tragedy time & again. It truly breaks our hearts to see one shut down. And most do.
The reason we ask you to reconsider this is because most Pugs & Puggles will form an unbreakable bond w/ their person or family. Their family is their world. They slowly realize that their people walked away & are never coming back. The dog will become so deeply depressed that they choose not to eat, regardless of what we feed them, & will die shortly thereafter, in spite of our veterinarian's valiant attempt to save them intravenously. It does not matter if they are young or old, healthy or ill. The older the dog, the greater chance of a negative outcome.
Please do your absolute best to find a family member or friend who knows the Pug or Puggle to take him or her in. It could make all the difference between life & death.
If there truly is no other option, we will take them in and love them, whether it be for years, or weeks.